A tu per tu con...
Davide Tentorio

Stay hungry, stay humble
What’s your job?
Currently, I’m working for Digitec as Business Development and Sales Manager.
What’s your educational background?
I purely studied economics.
During what we used to call “high school”, I attended Instituto Tecnico Economico here in Lecco – literally a technical and economic institute, which is commonly known as "accounting."
Then, I pursued a bachelor’s degree in European economics at Università degli Studi di Milano Statale. Finally, I ended my Academic journey with a master's degree in business economics at Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
And, as you never stop learning, since last year I have been attending the International Part-Time MBA at the Graduate School of Management of Polimi – Politecnico di Milano.
Can you describe your professional path in Digitec?
I joined the business in 2017 with a common internship in controlling – in the Finance Department. In 2018, I was hired in the administration Department, and then, in 2022, I moved to the Sales Department. You can say that, in the last few years there have been anything but dull...
How did you handle the transition from Finance to Sales Department?
It was a choice that, although carefully considered, was quite natural.
I was looking for a new challenge and a more dynamic context, which would give me more external contacts and a better view of the market.
Basically, it was like changing my job without having to change company, and I am very satisfied with this choice.
What is the biggest challenge you face every day at work?
The biggest challenge is undoubtedly time management. Being able to organize myself, identifying priorities, and then meeting them to achieve goals are the key points of mine.
In second place, human relations are also a big challenge. In my job, which involves many contacts with external partners, relationship management has a crucial role. It is a complex and decisive factor at the same time: it is complex because of the unpredictability of human nature; it is decisive because personal relationships with clients influence the development of the business.
What skills really make the difference in your role?
Dynamism and empathy, never settling and (almost) never giving up.
What do you appreciate about your job at Digitec?
For sure, the fact that when I started working, Digitec was already a rapidly growing company.
But it wasn't just that. I already knew the context a bit – especially Fausto and Simone – and I knew that here, besides the medical field and the innovative environment, I would have found "a second family" too.
I believe that the dynamism of the context and people management must always go hand in hand, and at Digitec, they both take the first place without a doubt.
Are these the same reasons that still motivate you to work for Digitec today? Are there any other reasons?
Yes, they are. Besides them, I would add the strong inclination towards internationalisation.
Over the years, challenges have always been increasing, helping me keep motivation high.
What advice would you give to those who are about to join the Digitec Team?
If you are passionate about the combination “technology – medical field”… If you are looking for a business focused also on the well-being of a group, which is based on certain values, and which takes care of welfare policies… in the area of Lecco, choosing Digitec comes naturally: it needs no introduction.
My advice? Seeing is believing. It’s worth it!
Three words to describe Digitec
Polar star. Engaging. Cool.
About me
I enjoy staying updated. I’m quite rational (not always precise…) and determined. I’m really passionate about what is not easy.
I love trail running and doing sport (of any kind!). Sport help you understand the value of putting yourself out there, challenging your limits, and it is an essential training for testing yourself in other fields, too.
Last but not least, I admit it: I still haven’t exactly figured out what I want to be “when I grow up” – and maybe that’s okay.